Southern No Till Neem Meal 1kg


Southern No Till Kelp Meal 1kg

SKU: GH_XMM3 Categories: , ,


Product Code: C3620
Neem meal is a highly effective botanical source of nutrients with a balanced macro and micro nutrient profile. Neem meal is created after the oil is pressed from the azadirachta indica tree seed and is a true sustainable source of green manure. It contains pest-resisting limonoids which act as an anti-feedent and disrupts breeding and laying of pest eggs. Neem meal assists in nitrogen fixation by reducing ammonium and nitrate oxidisers.
As a topdress, sprinkle 1/2 cup per container, 1 cup per square metre in raised beds. To make a tea for your soil or as a foliar, add 1/2 to 1 full cup of neem meal to 20L of clean water and let soak for 24 hours stirring occasionally. Strain if using as a foliar and spray all leaf surfaces top and bottom. Water into soil using same watering technique you would normally.

Additional information

Weight 1.8 kg
Dimensions 15 × 20 × 30 cm